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Request a call back for advice from our experts

The Landlord Action legal team are experienced lawyers and paralegals who are experts in property law. Our aim is always to resolve issues quickly and minimise losses. Speak to one of our team to find out how you can get the results you need.

Step 1 - Service Notices

Step 1

Section 8/Section 21 notice

- More information
Step 2

The main interaction involved here is 'Mouse Click (Tap)' that create the animation for expand and collapse. It is targeting the main container of each row, so that user can click on anywhere within the row/container to expand or collapse an item.

Step 3 - Bailiffs

Using the same interaction trigger as above, I created an animation to rotate and resize the icon to shape it from a plus to minus.

Pre action

To make things a little livelier, I added a nice little touch up to the paragraph by creating a slide in animation from below. So, instead of being still upon expand, it will slide in from below nicely.

Money Claim

I added a focus/highlight effect to make the item that's on hover stands out from the rest. This helps the user to focus on the item that they are reading.

This is definitely optional. You can remove this animation from the interaction setting. It's a separate interaction from the expand/collapse.


Fee covers checking the file, case preparation, court fee, advocate if required.

Step 1 - Standard Check and review

Start step 1
Section 8 / Section 21 notice

Setting up file, assessing paperwork, providing advice, drafting and serving straightforward notice by post on tenant (if paperwork is in order). See non rent related Section 8 and check and review options below.

Our fees: £288.00   
VAT: £57.60   
Total: £345.60

Both Section 8 and Section 21 Notice

As above but for both Section 8 (rent related) notice and Section 21 notice served at the same time.

Our fees: £354.00
VAT: £70.80
Total: £424.80

Updated  Section-8 and Section-21 Notices

When we have already served a notice, but you would like a new and updated notice served on your tenant.

Our fees: £120.00
VAT: £24.00
Total: £144.00

Additional  Section-8 and Section-21

Additional notice served at the same time as the review.

Our fees: £66.00
VAT: £13.20
Total: £79.20

Non Rent Related Section 8 Notice

A Section 8 notice can include grounds other than the rent related ones. If additional grounds are required, an extra fee of £66 for drafting per ground is charged.

Our fees: £354.00
VAT: £70.80
Total: £424.80

Non Standard Check and Review

If the tenancy is not an assured shorthold tenancy and requires a notice to quit or there are complicated matters such as guaranteed rent, subletting or you would like us to take over a file, the matter will need a full check and review. If a notice can be served based on the information provided during the check and review, this will done under instruction from the landlord. You will always be advised on the best course of action and given an estimate of likely fees for gaining possession of your property.

Our fees: £825.00
VAT: £165.00
Total: £990.00

Section 48 Notice

If the landlord’s address has changed or was not provided in the tenancy or on any documentation to the tenant, then a Section-48 notice must be served before a notice can be served.

Our fees: £75.00
VAT: £15.00
Total: £90.00

Section 3 Notice

If a property was bought by a new landlord and is occupied by a tenant who wasn’t told correctly, a Section 3 notice and letter must be served on the tenant before a Section 8 notice can be served.

Our fees: £75.00
VAT: £15.00
Total: £90.00

Both Section 48 and Section 3 Notice

Both Section 48 and Section 3 Notices served together at the same time.

Our fees: £125.00
VAT: £25.00
Total: £150.00

Start step 1

Step 2 - STANDARD AST  (where Landlord Action drafted the notice)

These are the most common types of cases. The all-inclusive  fixed-fee covers checking the file, case preparation, court fee, advocate if  required and VAT.

Please note if for any reason the hearing is adjourned or  cancelled the Advocate fees would still be payable by you.

The standard Section 8 or Section 21 accelerated procedure  cannot be used if your case does not comply with the rules (eg: change of  landlord, missing agreement, oral tenancy) and a court hearing is required.  Additional preparation is necessary and an advocate will attend the hearing  on your behalf.

Please note, our fixed fees do not apply and we reserve the right to increase our fees, if your matter is found to be non-standard (for example the matter becomes defended). If your case is listed for a hearing, we are required to prepare a bundle of papers and draft a witness statement to assist with prioritising your case. Should your case become defended and go to trial, this may potentially lead to additional substantial legal costs being incurred. If this should be the case, you will be informed in advance by your case worker (as per our Terms & Conditions).

Start step 2
Section 21  Accelerated Procedure

Fee covers checking the file, case preparation and court fee.

Our fees: £610.00
VAT: £122.00
Disbursements: £391.00
Total: £1,123.00

Section 8

Fee covers checking the file, case  preparation, court fee, advocate if required.

Our fees: £608.33
VAT: £121.67
Court fee: £391.00
Advocate fee: £156.00 (inc.VAT )
Total: £1,277.00

Section 8  and Section 21 claim

Fee covers checking the file, case  preparation, court fee, advocate if required.

Our Fee:£930.00
VAT: £186.00
Court Fee: £391.00
Advocate fee: £156.00 (inc. VAT)
Total: £1,663.00

Section 8  paper claim or Section 21 Non-Accelerated

Fee covers checking the file, case  preparation, court fee, advocate if required.

Our fees: £930.00
VAT: £186.00
Court Fee: £391.00
Advocate fee: £156.00 (Inc. VAT)
Total: £1,663.00

Start step 2

STEP 2 - STANDARD AST (where Landlord Action did NOT draft the notice)

If we are issuing a possession claim on a non-rent arrears Section 8 notice such as anti-social behaviour or a notice to quit, we will discuss the price with you in advance. There will be additional work to issue the possession claim and an increased likelihood that the matter may be defended. All defended work falls outside our fixed fees and is charged at the fee earner's hourly rate, to be advised.

This fee includes the same service as our Step 2, where  Landlord Action drafted and served the notice, but is higher as we need to  check your notice was served correctly before issuing the claim. If we cannot  issue the possession claim after a review of the case, then we will explain  your options – the cost for this part of the service is £200 + vat for one notice or £291.67 + vat for two notices. If we cannot proceed directly to making a claim for possession, we  will refund the balance of the below fee which is payable in advance. If a  new notice needs to be served, the matter goes back to Step 1 and those fees  apply.

Please note, our fixed fees do not apply and we reserve the right to increase our fees, if your matter is found to be non-standard (for example the matter becomes defended). If your case is listed for a hearing, we are required to prepare a bundle of papers and draft a witness statement to assist with prioritising your case. Should your case become defended and go to trial, this may potentially lead to additional substantial legal costs being incurred. If this should be the case, you will be informed in advance by your case worker (as per our Terms & Conditions).

Start step 2
Section 21  Accelerated Procedure

Fee covers review of notice and service, checking the file, case preparation, court fee.

Our fees: £783.00
VAT: £157.00
Disbursements: £391.00
Total: £1,331.00

Section 8

Fee covers review of notice and service, checking the file, case preparation, court fee.

Our Our Fee:£781.67
VAT: £156.33
Court Fee: £391.00
Advocate fee: £156.00 (Inc. VAT)
Total: £1,485.00

Section 8  and Section 21 claim

Fee covers review of notice and service, checking the file, case preparation, court fee.

Our Fee: £1121.67
VAT: £224.33
Court Fee: £391.00
Advocate fee: £156.00 (Inc. VAT)
Total: £1,893.00

Section 8  paper claim or Section 21 Non-Accelerated

Fee covers review of notice and service,  checking the file, case preparation, court fee, advocate if required.

Our Fee: £1121.67
VAT: £224.33
Court Fee: £391.00
Advocate fee: £156.00 (Inc. VAT)
Total: £1,893.00

Non  standard claim – (price to be advised)

If we are issuing a claim on a non-rent arrears Section 8 notice such as anti-social behaviour or a notice to quit, then we will discuss the price with you. There will be more work to issue the claim and there is also a higher likelihood that the matter will be defended. All defended work is charged on the fee earner’s hourly rate

Start step 2


Some actions are required outside the standard action and fees  to issue a claim. We discuss options with you before doing anything. Here we  list of some of the things that could happen so that you’re not surprised by  events

Start step 2
Separate  guarantor’s agreement

If we need to view extra documents to see  that the guarantor’s agreement is enforceable (Section 8 only)

Our fees: £100.00
VAT: £20.00
Total: £120.00

Statement  of Service

If we did not serve your notice and you do  not have a statement of service, we’ll need to prepare one for you to sign

Our fees: £60.00
VAT: £12.00
Total: £72.00

Paperwork  problem

If the  tenancy agreement was changed orally, a document varies the agreement or the  tenancy is missing, a witness statement is needed

Our fees: £291.67
VAT: £58.33
Total: £350.00

Landlord  not attending hearing

If the  landlord cannot appear at a hearing or an agent will be representing the landlord, a witness statement must be  drafted setting out the situation just prior to the hearing

Our fees: £291.67
VAT: £58.33
Total: £350.00

Over two years arrears

If more than two years arrears are being claimed, a witness statement must be drafted (Section 8 only)

Our fees: £291.67
VAT: £58.33
Total: £350.00

Section 8  Non Rent Related witness statement

If  Section 8 proceedings include grounds other than rent related (grounds 8, 10, 11) a witness statement must be drafted and further evidence provided a cost  will be provided to you depending on the complexity of the matter.

Price on application

Check and Review (case take-over) – Non-standard

If the tenancy is not an assured shorthold tenancy so requires a notice to quit or there are complicated matters such as guaranteed rent or subletting or you would like us to take over a file then the matter will need a full check and review. If a notice can be served based on the information provided during the check and review then this will done under instruction from the landlord. You will always be advised on the best course of action and give an estimate of likely fees for gaining possession of your property. We do not guarantee we will be able to take on your case before or after the review, which will be subject to capacity at the time. If we can take on your case, you will be advised of additional funds required.

From £990.00 (inc VAT)

Process  server witness attendance

If a process server has to attend court as a witness

Our fees: £400.00
VAT: £80.00
Total: £480.00

Start step 2

Step 3 - Bailiffs

County  Court Bailiff

Applying  for a warrant of execution and applying for a county court bailiff. Includes  court fee

Our fees: £187
VAT: £37.00
Disbursements: £143.00
Total: £367.00

High  Court Bailiff

If  order to transfer up to High Court obtained on Possession order, we apply for  a High Court Bailiff - Fee is for 1st hour, thereafter  Bailiff is charged at £90 per hour

Our fees: £500.84
VAT: £100.16
Disbursements: £767.00
Total: £1,368.00

Transfer  to High Court

We  would apply for permission to transfer up to High Court. see Section 6(a) of our
terms of business

Our fees: £160.00
VAT: £32.00
Disbursements: £108.00
Total: £300.00

Speak to us

Step 3 - Special cases

Postponement  of Eviction

If the tenant applies to stay or suspend the warrant, we can attend court and oppose application

Total: £450.00

Speak to us

Debt Recovery

Address  Trace

To find  the current fixed address for the debtor, in order to pursue the debt  formally for you

Our fees: £59.17
VAT: £11.83
Disbursements: £31.00
Total: £102.00

Employment  Trace

If you  know the debtor is employed but do not know the exact details, we can seek to  trace this information for you

Our fees: £59.17
VAT: £11.83
Disbursements: £31.00
Total: £102.00

Address  & Employment Trace

If you  require us to trace both an address and employment details of the debtor

Our fees: £100.00
VAT: £20.00
Disbursements: £36.00
Total: £156.00

Pre-Action  Letter to Tenant

To  issue a pre-action letter to the debtor

Our fees: £200.00
VAT: £40.00
Total: £240.00

Pre-Action  Letter to Tenant (If Landlord is a company)

To  issue a pre-action letter to the debtor - If the landlord is a company and  wishes to pursue a debt against an individual/sole trader

Our fees: £300.00
VAT: £60.00
Total: £360.00

Issue  an online money claim (MCOL)

To  issue court proceeding to obtain the money order. The court fee (which is  extra) will dependent upon the value of the claim

Our fees: £300.00
VAT: £60.00
Total price on application

Review  & Advise on enforcement options

Review  of circumstances and information to advise accordingly on other enforcement  options available

Our fees: £100.00
VAT: £20.00
Total: £120.00

Charging Order

If the  debtor owns a property, we can arrange for an application to be made to put a  charge on a property

Our fees: £766.67
VAT: £153.33
Disbursements: £139.00
Total: £1,059.00

High Court Writ of Control

To  arrange for the High Court Sheriffs to attend the debtor’s address and  attempt to seize the debtor’s goods

Our fees: £365.83
VAT: £73.17
Disbursements: £168.00
Total: £607.00

Warrant of Control With Request for Judgment

To  issue warrant in County Court up to £5000.00 and enter CCJ

Our fees: £210.83
VAT: £42.17
Disbursements: £83.00
Total: £336.00

Third Party Debt Order

To  apply to the court to arrange to freeze a sole bank account

Our fees: £400.00
VAT: £80.00
Disbursements: £119.00
Total: £599.00

Order  to Obtain Information

To apply for the debtor to attend court to be questioned, on oath, by a court officer on employment, wages ,income, outgoings, property owned, bank and building society accounts.

Our fees: £450.00
VAT: £90.00
Disbursements: £119.00
Total: £659.00

Bankruptcy/Winding  Up Statutory Demand

We can  arrange for a bankruptcy or winding up demand to be served on the debtor or  debtor company by hand

Our fees: £441.67
VAT: £83.33
Disbursements: £120.00
Total: £650.00

Attachment  of Earnings

If you  know the tenant’s employment details, we can arrange for the judge to grant  an order where the debtor repays the judgment back to you. However, this  procedure can take up to 12 -months

Our fees: £350.00
VAT: £70.00
Disbursements: £119.00
Total: £539.00

Start debt recovery

Housing conditions

Receipt of a Pre-Action Protocol Housing Conditions letter

£3500 plus VAT plus disbursements*- Replying to tenant’s letter of claim, arranging for expert’s report, negotiating with tenant’s solicitor to settle; if no settlement, submitting defence, disclosure, witness statements and attending court.* i.e. expert’s report, court fees

Rent repayment order

£4500 plus VAT plus disbursements -Replying to tenant’s letter of claim, negotiating with tenant’s solicitor to settle; if no settlement, submitting defence, disclosure, witness statements and attending tribunal

Access Injunction to complete a gas safety check

£250 plus VAT   - Sending a letter before action

£2000 plus VAT - Drafting and issuing application to court for an injunction, including court fee and attending court

Start housing conditions


Standard Trespass claim

*Disbursement may  increased if service outside of London

*Upon receiving an order for possession, if the trespassers do not vacate, you will be required to evict them formally and we recommend using HCEO (with permission) and additional fees will apply, please click here

Our fees: £2,095.83
VAT: £419.17
Disbursements: £735.00
Total: £2,500.00

Interim Possession Order (IPO)

*Disbursement may  increased if service outside of London

*Upon receiving an order for possession, if the trespassers do not vacate, you will be required to evict them formally and we recommend using HCEO (with permission) and additional fees will apply, please click here

Our fees: £2,220.83
VAT: £441.17
Disbursements: £935.00
Total: £3,250.00

Start Squatters


Rent to rent lease agreement

This agreement can be used in situations where a property owner agrees to rent a property to someone who will then sub-let it on to an occupier.  It is a commercial tenancy agreement designed to be used where both the property owner and the renters are individuals not companies. If the renter is a company then it is recommended that the owner should seek a personal guarantee from the renter.

Our fees: £300.00
VAT: £60.00
Total: £360.00

Complete form

Optional extras

Some  actions are not always necessary and some compliance can be taken care of by  landlords and agents themselves. When you decide that we should do these,  there are extra fees.

Personal  Service of Notice

Personally serving notice by a process server is not always  needed but it can make some tenants realise the landlord is serious. Also, if  the tenant does not leave and denies receipt of the notice the process server  provides a certificate of service or witness statement to prove service.

London post codes

Our fees from: £155.00
VAT: £31.00
Total: £186.00

Outside  London

Fee  will be provided on request

Proof  of Title

If landlord wants us to get this from Land Registry

Our fees: £16.67
VAT: £3.33
Disbursements: £20.00
Total: £40.00

Preparing  Schedule of Arrears

If the landlord prefers Landlord Action to  do this schedule

Our fees: £80.00
VAT: £16.00
Total: £96.00

Deposit  Scheme Compliance Check & Fix

If landlord wants us to check that the  landlord has complied with the regulations and suggest remedies where  possible

Our fees: £166.67
VAT: £33.33
Total: £200.00

Company  Let or Licenses

We can  check paperwork and serve standard notices to quit (NTQ) on non-assured  shorthold tenancy agreements. If the matter is complex we  will advise you and explain your options and our fees

Our fees: £360.00
VAT: £72.00
Total: £432.00

Not proceeding after initial instruction -  Chargeable Admin Fee

If you instruct LA and a case file is set  up, but you do not respond to reasonable requests for information or decide  not to proceed, an admin fee is payable. (the balance of any fee you have  paid will be refunded)

Our fees: £29.17
VAT: £5.83
Total: £35.00

If we  don't handle your case

If we  have served your notice but you do not need us to for Step 2 and you require  a certificate of service or witness statement for service of the notice to be  drawn up by us

Our fees: £60.00
VAT: £12.00
Total: £72.00

Contact us